viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

jOkes!!! :D


now... i have something for ya!


i was looking for

something, to make my blog better

haha && i visited some pages...

and one of them, take me to

another page, and i found

a jokes! hahaha... so, some of them

are very funy, but other not

hahahaha and that's funny

U know, because jokes Supposedly

most to be funny! hahaha

(i dn't know what i said!)


anyways... here they leave:

*A man goes to the doctor and says: 'Doctor I've got a problem, I've got two personalities.' The doctor answers: 'Be quiet, sit down and let's talk all four of us.'

*- What's the definition of mixed emotions?

- Seeing your mother-in-law driving your new car off the edge of a cliff.

*- What happens in the African jungle from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. everyday, even on Sundays?

- Two hours.

*- Nine and ten don't exist anymore.- Why?

- Because seven ate nine and ten.

(hahahahaha this one, make laugh a lot!!! because

i dind' understand, hahaha until i read three times!!! hahaha)

*She: So, why do you call me Eve when my real name is Maria?

He: Because you are the first woman I ever had.

She: Well, then I'll call you Peugeot

He: Why's that? Because I'm good-looking, economical, small and fast?

She: No, darling. Because you're number 206!

* Two men at the station:

- At what time does your train leave?

- At two to two. And what about yours?

- At two to two too!

* - Do you know why the ocean is blue?

- Because fish make blue, blue, blue, blue...

*There were two cows sitting and knitting on top of a mountain.

They keep silent... until one of them says: Moo!

The other cow responds: I had it on the tip of my tongue!

*There was a man with a penguin under his arm. Suddenly he met an old friend who asked him:

- What are you doing with a penguin under your arm? You should carry him to the zoo.And the man replies:

-Yes, yesterday we went to the cinema, today we went shopping and tomorrow we will go to the zoo!


love... live... laugh!!!


1 comentario:

jazzman58 dijo...

Seven ate (eight) nine and ten, so nine and ten don't exist because seven ate them!