viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

About my favorite animal :D

well... here i am again!!!


and now, i found an article

about my favorite animal...

(insect, have to say)

and... i think this is a good idea!!!

because now you gonna know

something about me!!! :D

latter... i'll write something of my

personal life right? :D


The Monarch Butterfly

It is called Monarch butterfly more than one species (or subspecies) lepidopteran the family Danaidae and gender Danaus. For example, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the species is known Danaus plexippus erippus (Lepidoptera: Danaidae), and the most famous, for its migration of thousands of miles, is the Danaus plexippus plexippus, which migrate long distances in the northern hemisphere.

This migration of insects is the most famous in the world. Ha sido motivo de innumerables documentales, se han formado asociaciones de defensa y se explota el espectáculo de millones de mariposas juntándose sobre los árboles, al arribar a México, como atracción turística. It has been a source of countless documentaries, have formed associations for the defence and exploited the spectacle of millions of butterflies juntándose on the trees, to arrive at Mexico, as a tourist attraction.

Every year, at the end of October, reaching millions of Monarch butterflies to the forests of the state of Michoacan, in the southeast of Mexico, after a long journey of 4,000 kilometres from the northern United States and Canada to breed Norteaméarica and then back in mid-April.

The reason that this should make similar butterfly migration is that sexual maturity is reached only with the spring heat. To achieve this, then, need overwintering in a place where the temperature is not as extreme, so only keep the lethargic but not mate. Once arrived hot spring, and are reproduced undertaken shortly after his return to the north, where he continues the cycle of life.

... to be continued :D

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