viernes, 15 de febrero de 2008

about the monarch butterfly

The life of the monarch butterfly starts as a caterpillar that feeds on a plant called asclepia, where adults deposit the eggs. After a period lasting between 4 and 12 days the caterpillars emerge, as is typical in the lepidopteran it feeds on this plant at birth. During its growth stage, the caterpillar changes its skin five times, for the fifth time, when it is already fully developed, is set to a branch and creates around him a fine cocoon. In this form is maintained, turning, about 12 days. The metamorphosis the turn into a beautiful monarch butterfly, which in early April will undertake the journey north, which closes this eternal cycle of life.

The migration of the monarch is not alone in the world, and virtually all the territories are local migratory movement. In Argentina, for example, we can mention that butterflies are moving from the Atlantic coast area of Magdalena and Punta Lara and traveling to the northwestern region of Argentina, via Buenos Aires. On the way too often grapple pass through cities such as Rosario, Santa Fe and Cordoba. Between September and October, when it begins to loosen the cold, returning southward. En años excepcionalmente calurosos han llegado a descender por el sur hasta Trelew. In unusually warm years have come down to the south to Trelew.

These species do not move in such a long-distance migration as the Monarch, because at most (by what is known so far) travel about 1,500 miles, to the province of Salta.

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